In the Summer of 2019, the Stakeholders in the CUF community came together to begin a discussion on how to best solve the parking problem. Those Stakeholders included representatives from the CUF Neighborhood Association, Clifton Heights Business Association, University of Cincinnati, Clifton Heights Community Urban Redevelopment Corporation, and the City of Cincinnati.
On September 23, 2019, a Community Open House was held at Hughes High School to introduce Walker Parking Consultants and kick off the Study. Over the next several months, the Stakeholder Working Group met with Walker Parking to refine the Study and share best practices. The CUF Parking & Transportation Analysis was finalized in March 2020 and sets forth numerous ways in which the CUF community can begin to alleviate the parking problems that exist and identifies partners and methods for doing so. The final report as well as a 1-page summary of recommended action steps can be found below:
CUF Parking & Transportation Analysis (Full Report)
CUF Parking & Transportation Analysis (Action Steps)